Craft of Gods: About the Game
“Craft of Gods” is a 3D MMORPG, based on Slavic mythology.
The world characters live in is called Akvilon, it is a huge world with 25 different maps. There are many wonderful places to discover, many enemies to fight and an infinite number of things to do.
In Akvilon, there are forests, deserts, desolate steppes, magical ancient forests, frozen icy plains, where the cold can even freeze your very thoughts. There are hundreds of different monsters and more than 70 unique creatures, including the legendary Serpent, fiery Dragons, and the slimy Kikimora. But there are also the honeyed-tongued Sirens… honeyed? Are you sure?
Characters can travel through this world by foot, but they can also ride one of their pets. Pretty much any animal can be tamed, some of them will become fast rides, but others, like tortoises, will be slow, so you need to pay attention to the animal that you want to tame. But perhaps you will enjoy peacefully sight-seeing the world from the back of a slow cow!
On every map, there are also dungeons: these are unexplored places, where Darkness has focused its efforts to attack the world. They are very dangerous places and exploring them will be a real challenge!
Finally, in the “Craft of Gods” world, there are some places dedicated to the battles between Light and Darkness. Fighting for your chosen realm is not only an honorable task - if you are successful in completing a difficult task, the Gods will recognize you as a hero, and they will give you a Demigod rank, which will enhance your abilities beyond any human imagination. But don't rest on your laurels, your enemies will do their best to defeat you and steal your Demigod rank!
Discover Craft of Gods in Italian: Explore the world of Akvilion, inspired by Slavic mythology, and embark on an unforgettable adventure!
Learn about Craft of Gods in German: Dive into Akvilon, a vast MMORPG world based on Slavic myths, filled with magical creatures and epic battles!